Sections 1-2

  • To define a variable type the name of the variable and use the ‘=’ symbol which defines the variable. After defining a list, many functions can be performed using it.

  • You can interchange variables by replacing the value of the variable to another variable.

  • Data Abstraction seperates the qualities of a data type and the concrete details of its representation. AP exam starts index value from 1 and not 0 (like Python).

  • if: allows for conditional execution of a statement or group of statements based on the value of an expression.

  • elif: In Python, elif is short for "else if" and is used when the first if statement isn't true, but you want to check for another condition.

  • boolean: denoting a system of algebraic notation used to represent logical propositions, especially in computing and electronics.

Sections 3-4

  • Index is a number representing a position, like a character's position in a string or a string's position in a list.

  • Index is a number representing a position, like a character's position in a string or a string's position in a list.

  • Concatenation is when you combine 2 strings. Length is the amount of characters in a string. A substring is a part of a string.

  • Pseudocode is writing out a program in plain language with keywords that are used to refer to common coding concepts.

  • The Python for statement iterates over the members of a sequence in order, executing the block each time. The symbol for exponent is * The symbol for addition is + The symbol for subtraction is - The symbol for multiplication is The symbol for division is / The symbol for modulus is %

Sections 7-8

  • In Python, you can use a list function which creates a collection that can be manipulated for your analysis. -This collection of data is called a list object.

  • len(list): It gives the total length of the list.

  • list(seq): Converts a tuple into a list.

  • append: adds elements.

  • iteration: helps move around in a list and pinpoint specific values.

  • remove: removes the specific value.

  • indexes are specific positions in a list.

  • aList[i]= assesses syntax, .remove removes element, .append adds element.

  • You can loop through the list items by using a while loop.

  • A 2D array is an array of arrays that can be represented in matrix form, like rows and columns.

Sections 9-11

  • An algorithm is a set of actions that are taken to achieve a certain result. There are many algorithms that can be used to achieve a certain result.

  • Algorithms can be written in different ways and still accomplish the same tasks.

  • Algorithms that look similar often yield differnet outputs. To solve the same problem, many different algorithms can be used.

  • Perameter: a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.

Sections 12-13

  • Procedure: a named group of instructions that have paramaters and return values

  • Parameters: input values of a procedure

  • Arguments: specify values of the paramaters when the procedure is called

  • Modularity: An splitting large procedures into smaller ones with more uses

  • Procedural Abstraction: name for a process that allow a procedure to be used by only knowing what it does

  • Return: sends the output of the procedure to where it was called

  • What are some other names for procedures?: functions

  • Why are procedures effective?: procedures make code more effective and efficient by reducing the time to write code.

Sections 14-15

  • Packages allow a python user to import methods from a library, and use the methods in their code. Most package come with documentation on the different methods they entail and how to use them, and they can be found with a quick google search. methods are used with the following:

  • Some methods are always installed, such as those with the list methods which we have previously discussed. But others require a special python keyword called import. We will learn different ways to import in Challenge 1.

  • Sometimes we only need to import a single method from the package. We can do that with the word "from", followed by the package name, then the word "import", then the method. This will alllow you to use the method without mentioning the package's name, unlike what we did before, however other methods from that package cannot be used. To get the best of both worlds you can use "*".

  • To import a method as an easier name, just do what we did first, add the word "as", and write the name you would like to use that package as.

  • Turtle is a python drawing package which allows you to draw all kinds of different shapes